eSignature Solutions with Xpand IT

Xpand IT is proud to offer versatile eSignature platforms tailored to meet your business’s diverse needs.

Our platform stands out by providing both Electronic and Digital Signatures without any additional costs, ensuring that you have the flexibility to choose the best option for each specific document or transaction.

Key features

Dual Signature Options

Our platform allows users to select between two types of signatures: Electronic Signatures for quicker, more convenient approvals and Digital Signatures for situations requiring enhanced security and compliance. This flexibility ensures that every document can be signed according to its specific requirements.

Customisable Workflows

When setting up a signature workflow, you can easily assign the appropriate signature type for each recipient. Whether you're handling internal approvals or external contracts, our platform adapts to your needs, providing a seamless and efficient signing process.

Global Standards Compliance

Xpand IT’s eSignature platforms support all types of internationally recognised Advanced Electronic Signatures (AES) and European Union-accredited eIDAS Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES). This ensures that your documents meet the highest standards of security and legal compliance, no matter where your business operates.

Why Choose Xpand IT's eSignature Platform?

Cost-Effective Flexibility

Enjoy the freedom to choose between Electronic and Digital Signatures without incurring additional costs, allowing you to manage your document workflows more efficiently.

Enhanced Security

For documents requiring maximum security and regulatory compliance, our Digital Signatures provide the trust and assurance your business needs.

Streamlined Processes

Automate and optimise your document signing workflows, reducing the time and effort needed to manage approvals and contracts.

At Xpand IT, we are committed to providing solutions that drive efficiency and security for your business. Our eSignature platform is designed to give you the tools you need to handle all your document signing needs with ease and confidence. Whether you’re seeking speed, convenience, or stringent security, Xpand IT has the solution.